Get A Happy, Healthy Start With Essential Care Plans For Newborns’ Routine

A unique moment in a woman’s life that causes countless changes from the moment it happens: the discovery of pregnancy. The fear of not being able to cope with such responsibility and the concern for the baby’s health arise from the positive pregnancy test.

According to the American Society of Pediatrics, from birth to 1 year of age, the baby needs at least 11 appointments with a pediatrician.

But how to care for the health of the baby? How to choose the best care plans for newborns?

The arrival of a new baby brings joy, expectations, and concerns for parents with the newborn’s health. Something normal and understandable since this is a defenseless human being who will still have his immune system developed. At these times, the question is common: What is the best health plan for a baby?

That’s why we made this article to answer your questions about it.

In addition, we also intend to help you and prepare you for that moment as special as pregnancy.

However, before informing you about the best health plan for your baby, we want to explain a little more about the precautions you should take to preserve your child’s health.

Why consider care plans for newborns?

First of all, you need to be aware that prevention will always be the best option, and your child’s health would be no different. But, after all, what care should I have? What not to do with the baby?

We know there are many questions, but we are here to let you know everything and reassure you. So keep following this article to learn more:

Care plans for newborns

The birth of a child is very emotional, but it also causes worries. After all, how to take care of such a small and fragile being? Will I know how to take care of my child?

In addition, many people also make guesses about what should be done or avoided. Therefore, to bring you peace of mind and get you out of all this confusion, check out the following care plans for newborns that you should take with your newborn’s health:

  • Still, in the maternity ward, the baby must do the foot, eye, heart, and tongue tests. As well as receiving the appropriate vaccines, such as BCG and against Hepatitis B
  • Stimulate breastfeeding. The first contact is usually still in the delivery room. The contact must be stimulated even if the baby does not suckle at the time.
  • Restrict home visits during the baby’s first month of life. In addition, it is essential that the person is healthy and that the visits are short.
  • Maintain a peaceful and silent environment, especially when breastfeeding and sleeping.
  • Bathe according to the guidelines given to you.
  • Avoid using wet wipes when changing diapers to avoid irritation on the baby’s skin.
  • Clean the umbilical stump well.
  • Visit the pediatrician frequently. Generally, the first visit takes place one week after hospital discharge.
  • Avoid walks during the first month
  • Sanitize the nose with saline spray specifically for babies
  • There is no need to wash the inside of the baby’s mouth, even after breastfeeding
  • The so-called sunbathing should only take place after the first appointment with the pediatrician and should be for a short time, 15 minutes maximum
  • Avoid using a pacifier, especially before the first 15 days of life, as it may interfere with breastfeeding.

Main care during the first months of life

Your baby is already past the first month of life, and you still doubt which care should be maintained. So, take a look at the list below:

  • The baby should always sleep on his stomach, at least until the fifth month of life
  • Wrap the baby according to the temperature
  • The bath should be given in lukewarm water and with neutral soap (glycerin, for example)
  • Do not leave the baby unattended on the changing table or in the bed
  • Don’t give up putting it to burp
  • Keep your hands and nails always clean, as babies often put them in their mouths.

Care to relieve cramps in newborn

Colic in newborns is more common than you think. That’s because the gastrointestinal system and central nervous system, which, among other functions, control bowel contractions, are still under development. These movements, still uncoordinated, cause pain in the region.

The good news is that they naturally tend to decrease after the first three months of life. But, to ease the pain, there are several care plans for newborns to relieve colic:

  • Take the baby in your lap (you can try direct contact between the baby’s belly and the mother’s belly).
  •  Wrap the baby in a blanket or blanket.
  • Flex the baby’s thighs over the belly.
  • Make circular massages on the belly.
  • Take a warm bath or apply warm compresses to the belly.
  • Reduce stimuli for the baby (avoid places with a lot of noise or excess of people).
  • Look for a peaceful environment; you can put on soft background music.
  • Establish a routine for bathing, sleeping, walking, and other activities.

The main symptom of colic in a newborn baby is inconsolable crying. But, to confirm it, it is necessary to rule out other factors that can cause discomfort in the little one. Cold, heat, diapers that need changing, and hunger are some of them.

Main diseases that your baby may have

First, you need to understand that the baby’s immune system is still fragile, making it vulnerable to getting sick. Just thinking about it makes you desperate, doesn’t it? But calm down because we will tell you the most common diseases among babies.

You’ve probably heard of chicken pox, haven’t you? Well, besides this, there are also other common diseases in babies. See what they are and how to treat them with care plans for newborns:

  • Chickenpox: Your pediatrician may recommend using ointments to relieve itching and help heal. In addition, the baby should avoid contact with other children for 5 to 7 days.
  • Mumps: Usually, the pediatrician indicates using remedies to relieve symptoms and reduce salivary gland inflammation. Going further, soft and pasty food is also recommended, as well as the application of warm compresses at the swelling site.
  • Dermatitis:Usually causes redness and blisters. The indicated treatment is based on changing the baby’s diaper and applying ointments against the rash.
  • Flu or cold: Quite common during the first year of life and causes stuffy nose, cough, and even fever. Treatment is usually with antipyretics in case of fever. However, it is best to wait until the immune system can fight the disease.
  • Thrush: Resulting from the weakened immunity of the baby and causes small white dots on the tongue, gums, and inside of the cheeks. Your pediatrician may recommend applying antifungal creams, gels, or liquids.

How should the baby be feed ?

First of all, breast milk is fundamental for preventing diseases and for the good development of the baby. Generally, breastfeeding is exclusive during the first 4-6 months of life and, from then on, the introduction of food can begin.

In general, babies need six meals a day: breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and supper. However, some babies may need to breastfeed overnight, accounting for one more meal.

Next, check out a list of what the baby can eat based on his lifetime:

  • 0 to 6 months: breast milk or bottle, with no need to offer water for those who breastfeed
  • 4 to 6 months: pureed vegetables, mashed fruits or natural juices without sugar
  • 6 to 7 months: natural yogurt without sugar , cornstarch biscuits and some porridge (oatmeal, corn, rice and others)
  • 7 to 8 months: you can start offering boneless chicken meat. Here, consumption of red meat should be avoided
  • 9 to 12 months: from now on, it is possible to offer rice, beans, fish, egg and red meat in small pieces.


Direct exposure to the sun is not indicated until the age of 6 months, as well as the use of sunscreen. ForFor the baby to be exposed to external environments, it is necessary to use umbrellas, hats, clothes, and a protective shade.

After that age, it is allowed to expose the baby to the sun, with caution. The rule is the same for adults: ideal sun exposure is before 10 am and after 4 pm, when ultraviolet radiation is lower.

Sunscreen can be used and should be applied at least 20 minutes before sun exposure and reapplied every two hours or after entering the water.

Sleep care

Taking care of the newborn during sleep is very important for him to sleep peacefully and safely. The main recommendations are: prevent the baby from sleeping face down  make sure blankets don’t cover his mouth or nose  and opt for warm clothes to warm you up.

Crib pads, pillows and stuffed animals should not be left in the newborn’s crib. In addition, it is important to ensure that the mattress does not leave side gaps in the crib and that it is firm.

And, speaking of safety, a warning to parents: sleeping with other people in bed, don’t even think about it. This poses numerous risks to your baby.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that a pleasant environment for the little one’s nap also makes all the difference. A quiet, peaceful and airy place ensures a peaceful sleep without scares.

Important: do not leave your child alone:

  • on the changing table (table, chest of drawers)
  • in your bed (or any other)
  • in the bath
  • at home or in the care of another child

Final words

In summary, a health plan for a baby works similarly to other types of plans, that is, parents pay the monthly fee for the agreement and the baby will have access to medical services, such as test, consultations and hospitalizations.

However, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of plan contracted, because, depending on its type, it will have more or less coverage.

Like, for example, an agreement that only covers consultations and test, or one that, in addition to these procedures, also covers hospitalizations.

Noting that, currently, some operators already offer personalized medical services for babies and children. Monitoring premature infants and pediatric home care are examples of these services.

Have a happy healthy life!

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